We have another new publisher joining the bookstore this week: Muse it Up Publishing from Canada. I have five books from them already in the shop, and you can see all of them here. However, I’d like to start by highlighting just one of them, because it is by a friend of mine. The book is Priestess of the Moon by Milena Benini.
Milena is Croatian, and I have had the honor of staying at her apartment in Zagreb. She is one of the smartest feminist critics that I know, and between them she and her husband, Marko FanÄović, are every bit as scary as John Clute. My knowledge of the field is woeful in comparison.
Bear in mind too that they got this knowledge, in part, by driving to Austria every so often and coming back with a car load of books, because you couldn’t buy that stuff in what was then Yugoslavia.
I haven’t read much of Milena’s fiction, but I certainly plan to read this one, and I hope some of you will too. Diversity, right?