This page has links to various academic papers, articles and blog posts that are available online.
- Their-stories: Interrogating gender identities from the past (February 2015)
- Evidence for Trans Lives in Sumer (Notches, May 2017)
- Earinus: A Roman Civil Rights Activist? (History Matters, July 2017) – original publication no longer online, but available via the Wayback Machine
- Roman Historians: Unreliable Narrators? Part I and Part II (Write Where it Hurts, October 2017)
- The Objectivity Trap (Storying the Past, November 2017)
- Trans People in the Inca Empire (Gendered Voices #2, November 2017)
- How Not to Erase Trans History (History Matters, February 2018)
- “Trans Lives in Rome” in Introduction to Transgender Studies, Ardel Haefele-Thomas (ed.), (Harrington Park Press, February 2019)
- Queering the Classics (CUCD Bulletin #49, July 2020)
- Interview with Allison Surtees, co-editor of Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World (Women’s Classical Committee Blog, December 2020)
- The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, Abbie E Goldberg & Genny Beemyn (eds.), (SAGE Publishing, May 2021)
- Aleksandr Aleksandrov: New Sources in Nineteenth-Century Russian Trans Life-Writing (Notches, December 2024)
- Exploring Gender Fluidity Through Science Fiction and Fantasy (March 2015)
- Imagining the Future of Gender through Science Fiction (June 2015)
- “What Should Diversity Look Like For Trans People?”, in Wiscon Chronicles #10 (Aqueduct Press, 2016)
- “Tipping the Fantastic: How the Transgender Tipping Point Has Influenced Speculative Fiction” in Gender identity and sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction (Luna Press Publishing, 2017)
- “Hollywood versus the Patriarchy”, in Vector #287 (British Science Fiction Association, April 2018)
- “Escaping the Cis Gaze in Trans-Themed Young Adult Fiction”, in Literature, Gender and Education for Children and Young Adults (Bononia University Press, 2019 pp 137-148)
- “The Decade That Women Won”, in Vector (British Science Fiction Association, January 2020)
- “The Science-Fictional Janelle Monae”, in Fafnir: The Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Vol. 7:1 (FINFAR, July 2020)
- “Robot Love is Queer” in Ties that Bind: Love in Fantasy and Science Fiction (Luna Press Publishing, August 2020)
- “Worldbuilding with Sex and Gender” in Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction (Luna Press Publishing, July 2021)
- “Celts in Spaaaaace!” in Imagining the Celtic Past in Modern Fantasy (Bloomsbury, February 2023)
- “Darling, You’re Just Divine! – Queer Gods in Science Fiction & Fantasy”, in Follow Me: Religion in Fantasy and Science Fiction (Luna Press Publishing, June 2023)
- “What is Fantasy Anyway?” in Speculative Insight (January 2024)